Sign Up
Contact Email (Username)
Your primary email address is required. This will be used as your username, and all correspondance from Valley East Minor Baseball Association will be emailed to this address.
Confirm Contact Email
Select a password of at least 6 characters in length. If you forget this password at a later date, you can retreive it by clicking on the password recovery link on the Login page.
Confirm Password
Primary Parent/Guardian Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Create Registrant?
If the primary contact entered above will also be a registrant, select this option to automatically create a player.
Main (Home) Phone
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Text Messaging Opt-Out
The Roster Web Application allows league management to send text messages to the cell phones of registrants. This will help your coaches and executive contact you for quick updates on game cancellations, league information, etc.

It is strongly recommended that you allow the league to contact your cell phone this way (leave the checkbox to the right blank), but if you do not wish to be contacted by text message, you may opt out of this service by checking the box to the right.
Street Address
Alternate Parent/Guardian Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Create Registrant?
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Text Messaging Opt-Out
The Roster Web Application allows league management to send text messages to the cell phones of registrants. This will help your coaches and executive contact you for quick updates on game cancellations, league information, etc.

It is strongly recommended that you allow the league to contact your cell phone this way (leave the checkbox to the right blank), but if you do not wish to be contacted by text message, you may opt out of this service by checking the box to the right.
Spam Screening
Enter Code Displayed In Image Below
Spam challenge images, or Captchas, are special images designed to test whether the user is a human or a computerized bot. These bots are computer programs that scan the web for vulnerable website forms, and can cause service problems and damage to sites that are unprotected. These images work because most bots cannot see captcha images and thus cannot pass spam tests.

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